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Danny & Meshelle Bowles

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Danny and Meshelle Bowles were approved as missionaries to Zaire in September 1991. Due to political unrest in that country, in November 1993 the LORD changed their course and they began ministering in Zambia. Danny graduated in 1989 from the missions course at Baptist Bible College, Springfield, MO. Meshelle graduated in 1987 with an elemenary eduation degree from Pacific Coast Baptist Bible College, Santa Ana, CA.  They served their internship at Sherwood Park Baptist Church in Irving, TX.  Their sending church is Oasis Southwest Baptist Church in Amarillo, TX.

As co-founders of the Baptist Bible College of Zambia in 1997, they have taught the Pastor’s course and trained graduates to serve the Lord in ministry. Danny and Meshelle have started two local Churches, a Feeding Center, Sports Center and a Youth Room. Meshelle adapted a K-4 curriculum to fit Zambian culture and has trained teachers to implement the progran for preschool children.

Danny is the son of the late Don and Mona Bowles, veteran missionaries to Zambia. Don went home to be with the Lord in 2015. Mona continues serving the Lord in the Luanshya ministry.

The best way to remember Danny and Meshelle is when you see the "bowls on your table", remember to pray for the "BOWLES in Zambia"!

Account Designations Explained

Support:  Support given on a regular basis

Special Gift:  One-time gift for a special purpose (love offerings, mission conference, medical, etc.)

Long-Term Projects:  Gifts given towards a specific fundraising purpose (camps, buildings, vehicles, set-up costs, etc.)

Travel Fund:  Gifts given for travel expenses (airfare, furlough expenses, visas, etc.)

Personal Gift:  Gifts that are NOT tax-deductible (birthdays, Christmas, mission trips, adoptions, purchases, reimbursements, etc.)