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Larry and Tammy Allred

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Larry and Tammy Allred were approved as BBFI missionaries to the Yucatan peninsula of Mexico in September 2004. The Allreds served six years as independent Baptist missionaries in Mexico prior to their approval in 2004.

Larry graduated in 1996 from Louisiana Baptist University, Shreveport, LA. Tammy completed the two-year missions program at Decatur Baptist Bible Institute, Decatur, AL, in 1992. Larry was ordained in October 1996. 

Account Designations Explained

Support:  Support given on a regular basis

Special Gift:  One-time gift for a special purpose (love offerings, mission conference, medical, etc.)

Long-Term Projects:  Gifts given towards a specific fundraising purpose (camps, buildings, vehicles, set-up costs, etc.)

Travel Fund:  Gifts given for travel expenses (airfare, furlough expenses, visas, etc.)

Personal Gift:  Gifts that are NOT tax-deductible (birthdays, Christmas, mission trips, adoptions, purchases, reimbursements, etc.)