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Steven and Laura Pratt

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Steven and Laura Pratt were approved as missionaries to Canada in May 2021. They both graduated from Louisianna Baptist University in Shreveport, LA. They served their internship at their sending church, Bible Baptist Church in Wilmington, OH.


Their hearts are burdened for the nation of Canada, which has been overlooked in foreign missions and church-planting efforts for too long. They believe that Canada is in desperate need of the gospel, as spiritual darkness has engulfed the country, causing many to become hardened to the things of God.


In June 2023, they embarked on their mission to spread the gospel in Calgary with the ultimate goal of planting a new church on the southwest side of Calgary, AB. Their approach is firmly rooted in the gospel, where they plan to lay the foundation of the church through spreading the gospel and by establishing multiple bible studies paving the way for their new church plant.  


Steven and Laura are seeking partnerships with churches who share their burden and desire to make an impact in Canada and are excited to begin the important work of reaching the lost and unchurched in Alberta, Canada. Consider supporting them in their efforts of spreading the gospel in this country and help to ensure that it is no longer forgotten.

Account Designations Explained

Support:  Support given on a regular basis

Special Gift:  One-time gift for a special purpose (love offerings, mission conference, medical, etc.)

Long-Term Projects:  Gifts given towards a specific fundraising purpose (camps, buildings, vehicles, set-up costs, etc.)

Travel Fund:  Gifts given for travel expenses (airfare, furlough expenses, visas, etc.)

Personal Gift:  Gifts that are NOT tax-deductible (birthdays, Christmas, mission trips, adoptions, purchases, reimbursements, etc.)