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Corey and Cora Wilcher

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Corey and Cora Wilcher were approved as missionaries to Canada in May 2023. Corey graduated in 2021 with a degree in Biblical Studies from Louisiana Baptist University in Shreveport, LA. In 2022, Cora earned a mission's certificate in Biblical Studies from Louisiana Baptist University. The Wilchers completed their internship at their sending church, Bible Baptist Church in Mt. Orab, OH.

Account Designations Explained

Support:  Support given on a regular basis

Special Gift:  One-time gift for a special purpose (love offerings, mission conference, medical, etc.)

Long-Term Projects:  Gifts given towards a specific fundraising purpose (camps, buildings, vehicles, set-up costs, etc.)

Travel Fund:  Gifts given for travel expenses (airfare, furlough expenses, visas, etc.)

Personal Gift:  Gifts that are NOT tax-deductible (birthdays, Christmas, mission trips, adoptions, purchases, reimbursements, etc.)